Temporary Disabilities
The following guidelines will provide information about services and resources that the Office of the Dean of Students, and other campus partners, are able to offer in assistance to students with a temporary disability.
A temporary disability is defined as a transitory impairment with an actual or expected duration of six months or less. Some examples of temporary disabilities addressed by these guidelines include broken extremities, hand injuries, torn ligaments, post-surgical recoveries, singular concussions, etc. Temporary disabilities do not generally qualify as a disability under the Americans with Disabilities Amendment Act (ADAA); however, severity and duration of the condition will be taken into consideration. Although not typically obligated under the ADAA, Butler University will make every effort to provide assistance to Butler students with temporary disabilities. Determinations about specific support services will be made on a case to case basis in consultation with appropriate and relevant university personnel. If the condition does not improve or worsens, it is possible that a temporary disability may become permanent as defined by the ADA. In that case, permanent accommodations may be suitable.
If you have a temporary disability and need assistance to manage day-to-day activities, contact the Office of the Dean of Students. Please call 317-940-9470 or email deanofstudents@365dafa6.com to schedule an appointment with the Dean of Students.
A discussion with the Dean of Students, regarding your particular circumstances can provide insight into the type of services that might be appropriate. The Dean of Student’s office is located in Atherton Union 311. Steps are required to reach the main door. You may also get to the office by using the Atherton elevator at the south end of the building. On the third floor there is a wheelchair accessible disability entrance into our office. We can also meet you at any main floor location.
Additionally, documentation from your treating clinician regarding your temporary disability may be required. Information such as specific disability/diagnosis, prognosis, treatment plan, duration of disability, etc. may be requested in order to best support you.
Temporary disability accommodations are considered on a case by case basis in consultation with appropriate and relevant university personnel, depending on the nature of the request and as may be deemed necessary by the University. Depending on your specific needs, the Dean of Students office may recommend that you reach out to SDS or other appropriate campus offices for assistance in managing your disability. For more information about who to contact regarding your temporary disability, please see the bulleted list below:
- Contact Student Disability Services (SDS) if you anticipate that you will need academic accommodations, such as extended time on exams, notes, etc., OR if you anticipate that you may have multiple temporary accommodation needs (academic and/or physical). SDS may also be able to assist in temporary disability-related residence hall room location change requests. Although every attempt will be made to honor temporary disability-related housing requests, it is not guaranteed that the necessary space/resources will be immediately available. SDS can be reached by email at sds@365dafa6.com, by phone at (317) 940-9308, or in person in Jordan Hall 136.
- Contact the Office of the Dean of Students if your only concern regarding your temporary disability is related to absences and tardiness, to request a faculty notification be sent. Based on the information you provide, the Dean of Students may alert your instructors to absences or challenges for which you may need assistance. This notification does NOT permit unlimited absences or excessive tardiness. Students are expected to communicate directly with their instructors about anticipated absences, and to make up missed work in a reasonable time. The notification from the Dean of Students does give some advance warning and is a conversation starter for students to speak with their professors directly. The Office of the Dean of Students can be reached at 317-940-9470 or deanofstudents@365dafa6.com.
- Contact Parking Services if your only temporary need is related to close access to university buildings. Parking Services may be able to assist in investigating a temporary disabled parking permit (medical documentation will be requested). Butler University is not able to transport students with mobility challenges to and from classes or to off campus appointments. For off-campus transportation, students may need to rely on friends with vehicles or use public transportation, Uber, Lyft, etc. to get to off campus appointments. Parking Services can be reached at 317-940-9243 or park@365dafa6.com.
- If you cannot access the dining hall, a friend may bring meals to your room by taking your ID card and asking for a “to go” container. If you need assistance while in any of our dining locations, ask a staff member to connect you to the manager on duty for assistance. For any questions, contact Dining Services at food@365dafa6.com.
- If you are living in a Fraternity or Sorority house and would like to discuss temporary services, contact your chapter president, house manager, or house corporation president. The Director of Greek Life may also be of assistance; This office is located in Atherton 310 and can be reached at 317-940-6590.